About The Smith Family
The Smith Family is a national, independent children's charity helping disadvantaged Australians to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves.
Our learning support and mentoring programs help children in need to fit in at school, keep up with their peers, and build aspirations for a better future for themselves. Our Learning for Life program provides emotional, practical and financial support to help disadvantaged children and young people with their education.
Our support starts in the early years of learning development and continues through primary and high school. Our programs help build skills, knowledge, motivation, self-belief and a network of positive relationships with parents, peers and significant others. This support increases a young person’s likelihood of remaining engaged with school, completing Year 12 and developing realistic and informed study and career pathways for life beyond the school gate
Research and evidence-based practice underpins all our work. It enables us to be innovative, responsive and relevant. It ensures we develop and deliver programs and support that respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of the disadvantaged children, young people, families and communities we help. Research and evaluation helps us to measure the outcomes and assess the effectiveness of our support and programs. Evaluation and regular reporting also drive continual improvement across the organisation.
Children cannot choose their circumstances
For one in seven Australian children and young people growing up in poverty1, it can limit their choices, opportunities and outcomes in life. Investing in the education of a disadvantaged child delivers long-term positive benefits for them, their family and potentially generations to come.
Why education is important
Research shows that completing Year 12 (or equivalent) increases a young person’s likelihood of continuing with further study, as well as entering the workforce.
It also leads to higher annual earnings for individuals, greater community involvement and economic benefits for the country as a whole.
How we help
Our Learning for Life programs support children and young people to participate more fully in their education by providing innovative, evidence-based programs and emotional, practical and financial support throughout their schooling and tertiary education.
Our programs give disadvantaged students the skills, motivation and essentials to stay in school and get the most from their education so they can create a better future for themselves.